Difference between Compiled Language and Interpreted Language


S.No. Compiled Language Interpreted Language
1 A compiled language is a programming language whose implementations are typically compilers and not interpreters. An interpreted language is a programming language whose implementations execute instructions directly and freely, without previously compiling a program into machine-language instructions.
2 In this language, once the program is compiled it is expressed in the instructions of the target machine. While in this language, the instructions are not directly executed by the target machine.
3 There are at least two steps to get from source code to execution. There is only one steps to get from source code to execution.
4 In this language, compiled programs run faster than interpreted programs. While in this language, interpreted programs can be modified while the program is running.
5 In this language, compilation errors prevent the code from compiling. In this languages, all the debugging occurs at run-time.
6 The code of compiled language can be executed directly by the Computer’s CPU A program written in an interpreted language is not compiled, it’s interpreted line by line.
7 This language delivers better performance. This language delivers better performance.
8 Example of compiled language – C, C++, C#, CLEO, COBOL, etc. Example of Interpreted language – JavaScript, Perl, Python, BASIC, etc.

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